Day 2: Gumroad #100DaysofProduct

Day 2: Gumroad #100DaysofProduct

For Day 2 of my #100DaysofProduct journey, I did a high level review of Gumroad. Checkout my Day 1 review of Linktree here.

I and my friend Chris (link to his Day 2)started this journey to examine 100 different applications across various industries and see how we can improve on them. We hope to learn more about products, product management and creating lasting solutions at the end of this journey.


Gumroad is an eCommerce platform that helps you quickly make your first $1 on the internet, by enabling you sell almost anything efficiently. Founded in 2011, Gumroad has evolved over the years to solve some of the issues creators have with growing their following and monetizing their craft online.

Gumroad has several exciting features like:

  1. Setting up your store with features for digital products, physical goods, memberships, tutorials and more
  2. Payment integrations to receive payment however you like
  3. Selling different variants and versions
  4. Analytics
  5. Email broadcasts and a whole lot more.

While reviewing the application, I decided to focus on the creators (sellers). How do we improve their experience such that they can sell more or gain more revenue.

I wrote down a couple of ideas and did some social listening on twitter to find out what creators would like as an added feature on Gumroad (this was incredibly hard because Gumroad is a really powerful product with tons of features and then I had to do it in a couple of hours).

The suggested features were:

  • An appointment booking feature (Calendly integration)
  • An auto save feature while creating a product
  • A device analytics feature (show which devices customers are coming from)

I went with the Calendly Integration!


Why Appointment Booking?

For creators who sell online services such as mentorship clubs, tutorials and the likes, being able to sell some of your time to render your service should be pretty easy. Gumroad already enables memberships, course and tutorial products so this seemed like a pretty good low hanging fruit that could increase the number of Creator active users.

How would this feature work?

As a creator, while creating a product, all you need to do is to flip a switch to integrate Calendly, select the timeslots you are available for booking, set your prices for the different timeslots (if they vary), complete the product details and publish!

Here is a very "first draft" PRD I wrote for this feature. Would love to hear your thought about this!

#100DaysofProduct #100DaysofPM