Hi!, I am Samuel Nwachukwu, a product manager looking to build things that make humanity better and this is my first blog post ever (excited!).
I and my friend Chris want to embark on a journey to examine 100 different applications across various industries and see how we can improve on them. We hope to learn more about products, product management and creating lasting solutions at the end of this journey. #100daysofProduct.
For our first product we picked Linktree.
Linktree helps creators share their online world with their followers. It allows users to share more, sell more, curate more and grow more. They have a web and mobile application that allows you to create a list of social profiles and other links that you can share with your followers/community.
The application has several features including:
- Links
- Customizing appearance
- Analytics
- Integrations
- Subscriptions
- Affiliates and more
After reviewing the app, we wrote down a couple of features which we could add.
- Follower subscription (Your followers subscribe to your link and are notified when new links are added or a link URL is changed)
- Multiple trees (Have multiple linktrees under one admin account, for the user's various identity profiles)
- Templates (A group of popularly used links by industry/category)
After a series of discussions we went with Templates!
Why Templates?
We want to:
- Show creators popular links used by the top users of Linktree in their industry
- Show creators easily editable curated links that have shown the most results for certain use cases (e.g black friday sales)
- Enable creators connect their industry tools to their tree
- Enable users would see best tools for sales periods
View the PRD I did for this feature here for more details on our thought process
#100DaysofProduct #100DaysofPM